So excited! This is majorly HUGE news for M&M and candy lovers- M&Ms PREMIUMS have hit the shelves!! I found these at Target after hearing rumours of them at diff candy websites, and here they finally are! OMG so beautiful- the colors! The packaging! The flavors! These are NOT the M&Ms you grew up with - they are all dressed up for a very fancy party and come in an array of cool new flavors: Triple Chocolate, Mint, Rasberry Almond, Mocha, and Chocolate Almond (that's all Target had at least). For starters I got the 4 you see here, Im sure they will go on sale with a promotion coming soon I hope (have not yet seen any print or TV ads for these at all!?). The Target price is $3.99 for 6 oz, which may seem high but not really - these are seriously VERY special M&Ms. The cool metallic/marbled colors are really space age looking and SO pretty, would look amazing in a candy dish or as decoration on cookies/cakes. It's hard to capture the full effect here online- gotta see up close. The packaging is so fun, fresh, and innovative Im just blown away. Its a fully resealable bag within a box (see photo) and works perfectly to show them off. The taste? It starts with a heavenly smell form whatever flavor you pick, but Im a little bummed cuz there's no crunchy candy shell! It's so weird to bite an M&M and have just a soft chew- no crunch at all! Took me a moment but I got over it- that's a curious choice they made which separates them even further from regular M&Ms- or maybe the metallic dye/colors would not work for a hard shell(?). Anyways they taste as awesome as they sound and I will definitely buy the other flavors. So for the love of chocolate, keep an eye out for these, they are some very classy candies!
Oh, wonderful! You found them too!
I agree that they're very different from regular M&Ms, because there's no candy shell. I'm thinking maybe they should have given them a more distinctive name.
(The weird thing is, I don't think they're going to stay $3.99 for long, I think the later price may be a bit higher.)
I think they will regret not having a crunchy shell, its kinda bothering me cuz it just doesn't seem like M&Ms w/out it. I really bet its the fancy coloring that is the culprit. Oh well, still great flavors and FUN for choco lovers! I saw your post and REALLY wish i had seen those other Limited Edition offerings you mentioned....maybe next time I go to M&M World I'll get lucky :)
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