Hershey is clearly trying to tap into the M&M market with their Kissables line-colorful candy coated mini-kisses. Candy size and colors similar to M&Ms, just with a diff shape and no cool characters- but everyone knows what Hershey Kisses are- they have been around even longer than M&Ms (1907)! Now in addition to the milk choc they have Special Dark, and started making Special Editions for major choc holidays (Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Easter) Not sure if these are available outside the US (I do know that M&Ms have been worldwide for quite a long time now) but I think they are doing ok here as far as sales. What's interesting is that this rivalry for the candy market goes waaaay back between Hershey & Mars/M&M, so here it still is alive and quite well- just like the Coke VS Pepsi war, this is good old fashioned brand competition, and it makes both sides stronger and better- so bring it on I say! More power to you both!